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BCOM has an international reputation for academic and research excellence


Hinkley, H.J., Drysdale, I.P., Walters, N.J., Bird, D., Normative data for ultrasound measurement of the calcaneus within different female ethnic groups. British Journal of Radiology, 2004; 77: 740-744

Drysdale, I.P,,  Hinkley, H. J.,  Bird, D.,  Walters, N. J. Does Marathon Training Influence Calcaneal BUA?  American Society for Bone Mineral Research.  26th Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA. 2004

Collins, A.L., Saunders S., McCarthy H.D., Williams J.E., Fuller N.J., Within- and between-laboratory precision in the measurement of body volume using air displacement plethysmography and its effect on body composition assessment. International Journal of Obesity. 2004; 28, 80-90.

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