Our Prospectus

Student Voice

BCOM has an international reputation for academic and research excellence

Student Voice

We need more support and practical experience within the exercise physiology module ……….so we extended the teaching components and added a term of practical sessions.  Next year we will do even more.
We would like more detailed feedback on our assessments …….we now provide a detailed breakdown of marks for all elements of assessment
We would like a greater balance between assessments ……..we changed the assessments load of all modules to a maximum of three elements
We would like more help with how to structure essays and avoid plagiarism ……we introduced workshops in academic skills in the first term for all new students
Could lecturers please give brief recaps of previous lectures ……..we have asked lecturers to now start each lecture with a brief recap of what was covered in the previous week
We would like more training on how to do research ………..all students are now offered training by the Head of Research and the Librarian
We would like to know more about what is discussed at programme committees ……….all minutes are now available on Osteonet
© BCNO Limited (trading as The British College of Osteopathic Medicine) Registered charity 312907 Registered office: 6 Netherhall Gardens, London, NW3 5RR
Registered company number: 00562119 Country of registration: England & Wales